Sunday, November 3, 2013

Quote of the Day

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

-Vince Lombardi

Fenn Boys Strive at Eaglebrook Once Again

            On Saturday November 4th the Fenn Varsity Soccer players went out to play in the Eaglebrook Soccer Tournament held at the Eaglebrook School. There were 15 other teams competing in the tournament and this schools were from all over Massachusetts.
            The boys left Fenn at 6:30 in the morning and reached the school at 8:30. Their first game was against their rivals Fay at 9:30.
           The way Eaglebrook works is since there are 16 teams each team gets placed in a pool with three other teams. Therefore there are 4 different pools to start out with. Each team plays three games in the morning 20 minutes long (against the people in their own respective pools) and from there the tournament continues.
         The horn blew at 9:30 and kickoff began, Fenn vs. Fay. The Fenn boys had already beaten Fay twice in the regular season so they were very confident going into the game that they would be able to come out with a win. Unfortunately, Fenn got so many chances but they were not able to score. And because of the short twenty minute games, they were not able score and the game ended with a tie 0-0.
        Fenn received one point for the tie. They had twenty minutes of a break before they went on to play a skilled Rectory team.
         The boys attacked and attacked until they were able to score their first goal by a break away by Matt Killian. 1-0 was the final score and Fenn had in total three points.
           Their final game of the morning was against Shore. Fenn was glad to be playing Shore because they were not a very strong team this year. Fenn took advantage of that and scored early with a fantastic header goal by Alex Hill. 1-0 was the final score and Fenn had a total of 5 points.
           Eaglebrook is a tricky tournament because from each pool, two teams are picked to go on to the A division (the division you want to be in in order to win). The teams are picked depending upon how well you do in the morning. Thankfully, Fenn did great in the morning scoring 2 goals and giving up 0 in a span of three games. They made it to the afternoon A division and were ready to take on the challenge of the better teams.
          There first game was against a very skilled Rumsey Hall team. A strong defense was what Fenn from scoring early after many blocked shots. They continued fighting knowing that they would finally get the goal, and thats exactly what happened. Chewy Bruni got a shot just outside the 18 and buried it into the bottom left corner of the goal. Fenn went up one but that wasn't going to stop them from scoring more! Alex Hill got another shot from the right corner of the 18 yard box that went bar down into the goal! Fenn went on to win 2-0 and that really pumped the boys up for their next game against an unbelievable Eaglebrook A team.
         Back and forth the two teams went. Great saves by Leo Kafka were made to keep Fenn alive in the game! Fenn got some chances but were not able to capitalize on them so the game ended 0-0.
        The boys weren't disappointed about this they were getting ready for their next game, against Fesseneden.
        "A strong and well coached team," said Star, the head coach of Fenn. He wanted to beat the Fess so badly and so did the boys themselves. The horn blew and they were underway. Fenn's defense was absolutely superb and did not let one shot off. With 20 minutes winding down Fenn had so many chances but weren't able to finish them! And then it happened, the unthinkable. Witt Calwader, got a shot of after a miss from Matt and he was right there to put it in!! Fenn was up with just seconds left!! They went on to beat the Fess in an unbelievably tough match! Fenn did there best and it was shown throughout the day.
       Unfortunately the Eaglebrook A school which Fenn played earlier were in the same situation as they were. They had not lost one game that day (same as Fenn) and had only let up one goal that day (Fenn let 0 up). But since Eaglebrook A had scored more goals throughout the tournament they went onto the finals, and Fenn was cut and were heading to the Consolation round playing Hillside.
        They boys played there hearts out that game and ended up winning 1-0!
        They played so hard and it was an amazing sight to watch them play. The parents and teachers, including Mr. and Ms. Ward came out to watch them and were just in shock to see how phenomenal they were. It was an amazing day and Fenn was proud to be awarded Third Place at the Eaglebrook Soccer Tournament!

(Boys celebrating after wonderful day of Soccer)