Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fenn at Its Best

      On Saturday, the Fenn School was honored to hold the annual AISNE middle school Diversity Conference. Nineteen schools from all around Massachusetts joined the Fenn community, and learned a lot about leadership and how all of us are connected is some, way, shape, or form.
        The AISNE School Diversity Conference helps students understand themselves and their peers through reflection, dialogue, and leadership opportunities. The students are empowered and challenged by what they learn to go and make a difference in their respective communities, schools etc.
        Students from sixth grade all the way up to the ninth grade, gave up their Saturdays to do what Fenn boys do best, be amazing hosts. Students from different schools came at around 9:15 am and stayed till 3:00 pm.
     The day started with two songs sung by Fenns A Capella group. There first song was called Imagine written by John Lennon and the second song was One Day by Matisyahu. From there Mr. John Sharon a social studies teacher at Fenn, went on to tell about his life and how disabilities has changed his life.
    From there, students were sent to their respective workshops and enjoyed their time learning about different cultures and religions. For example some of the workshops that students attended were, sushi making, global leaders, I am Cambodia and an intro to street dancing.
    Soon the end of the day came around the corner and the students gathered back at the MPH for the final act, the Improv Boston Show.
    ImprovBoston serves the community through laughter. With a regular performance selection of New England’s premiere improv, sketch, and standup and an acclaimed comedy training program, the theater dedicates itself to inspiring, developing and sharing comedy in all its forms. Through exploring the many important applications of the creative process, ImprovBoston seeks to improve the lives of diverse audiences both onstage and off.  
   The day concluded with a speech called Who I am by Chad Arle. 
   After all the students left, the Fenn students said that it was truly amazing and that Mr. Cobblah, Mr. Obang and Ms. Youk See all did a fantastic job to set up for the amazing day! It is these occasions where Fenns true colors really come to life!

(Student working on an art project during the Confrence)