Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tough Pill To Swallow

      Last Friday, Varsity Basketball went out against Fay, in what was an amazing fight between the two evenly matched teams. Fenn started off the game with ten quick points, but Fay bounced their way back scoring six consecutive buckets. 

           Fighting for the ball, diving on the floor, and dirty fouls, were just some of the ways to describe the first half of the game. At half Fenn and Fay were both tied at 23 points a piece
            At half time, Mr. Bradley the head coach gave his pump up speech and told the boys, they have to play to their strengths. And that's exactly what they did. Cormac Zachar played an outstanding game, with a numerous amount of points and rebounds as well as Blayne Dee who had the game of his life, recording five assists. On the other end of the court, Eddie Uong played great defense along side Patrick McGann who were both working hard all the time!

           The endless battle continued for another sixteen minutes and with just four seconds left in the game, Fay had the ball. Fenn was up 50-49. Fay inbounded the ball got it to their best player, shot it up and before the buzzer sounded, the ball dropped into the net. Fenn 50, Fay 51.

         "It was a tough pill to swallow," said Assistant Head Coach, Bob Star. "The boys played their hearts out and that is all we could ask for." If faith prevails, Fenn will get another shot at them at the annual Fenn Varsity Basketball Tournament, held at the beginning of February.    

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